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論文 |
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題名 |
Title |
Combustion Control System Applying Fuzzy Control for Refuse Incineration Plant. |
著者 |
奥秀一 ((株)荏原製作所) |
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著者表記 |
著者表記(英) |
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著者所属名 |
キーワード |
Key Words |
"fuzzy control, municipal refuse incineration plant. Dioxins, veteran operator, fuzzy rules" |
概要 |
自動燃焼制御(ACC)の方式としてファジィ制御を利用した都市ごみ焼却炉(120ton/d×2炉)では、12〜24時間程度、運転員による介人操作が全くなくても比較的安定した自動運転を継続することができた。また、従来のACCは、演算式を駆使した構成になっており、試運転時の調整作業にはかなりの労力を要したが、ファジィACCでは熟練した運転員の知識をファジィの制御規則として、オンライン、リアルタイムで容易に登録することができ、その推論結果も容易に通常運転員が操作を行う画面上において検証することができた。これにより、今後ファジィACCは都市ごみ焼却炉の燃焼制御の先進的手法の1つになると期待された。 |
Abstract |
"Recently, dioxins in exhaust gas of a municipal refuse incineration plant that emitted to the environment has become social problem. Achievement of complete combustion is effective for reducing dioxins, because dioxins are substantially a kind of unburnt substance. Therefore, we need to develop combustion control for reducing carbon monoxide (CO), which is one of the index for complete combustion, and other pollutants in exhaust gas. Then we supplied a city with Fuzzy Auto Combustion Control (Fuzzy ACC) as a new combustion control method for municipal refuse incineration plant. As a result, Fuzzy ACC realize the stable operation (especially CO density represents) for 12〜24 hours without operator’s manipulation. Usually ACC is made of calculative formula, so we had consumed much time in order to set up ACC parameters. On the other hand, we can easily set up fuzzy rules through a veteran operator’s knowledge in Fuzzy ACC. Moreover immediately after we change fuzzy rules and so, we can examine the condition of combustion control by the hitting rules and the results of fuzzy inference. Consequently, Fuzzy ACC is one of a new technique to our ACC." |
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