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題名 |
Title |
Detection of Chlorinated Ethene-Dehalogenating Bacteria in Groundwater |
著者 |
中村寛治(東北学院大学),上野俊洋,石田浩昭(栗田工業(株)) |
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著者表記(英) |
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概要 |
本研究では,塩素化エチレン分解能を有するDehalococcoides属細菌がTCE,c-DCE,VC の脱塩素化反応に深く関与していることを示すと共に,Dehalococcoides 属細菌の16S rDNA を標的としたReal-Time PCR による定量検出法を紹介した. また,本検出法を汚染現場に適用して,初期段階での土着Dehalococcoides 属細菌存在の確認,つまり土着細菌によるバイオスティミュレーション適用の可否判断が可能であることを示した.さらに浄化開始後,地下水中のDehalococcoides 属細菌16S rDNA濃度をモニタリングすることによって,Dehalococcoides属細菌の現場での増殖(= 分解)挙動を把握できることを明らかにした.以上の結果から,Dehalococcoides 属細菌を利用するバイオスティミュレーション技術が,管理可能なプロセスとして汚染現場で適用できる目処が得られた. |
Abstract |
Chlorinated ethenes such as tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) were widely used for dry-cleaning and degreasing, respectively. Resultantly they have become main contaminants in groundwater. Under the anaerobic conditions, these compounds are gradually dechlorinated by some bacteria producing their daughter products such as cisdichloroethene (c-DCE), vinyl chloride (VC) and ethene (ETH). However, this process does not always proceed to the end product of ETH. We sometimes observe the accumulation of c-DCE or VC, which is a carcinogen. Our study showed that Dehalococcoides bacteria capable of promoting the dechlorination steps beyond c-DCE were essential for complete dechlorination. It is known that Dehalococcoides bacteria are di.cult to cultivate and isolate. Therefore we decided to apply a molecular technique, real-time PCR, to the detection of the bacteria. The real-time PCR method developed was successfully used for the detection of the bacteria in groundwater. The new method was used for the judgment of the feasibility of the biostimulation using indigenous Dehalococcoides population. Also the method was successfully applied to the monitoring of the whole bioremediation process. |
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