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内容 |
論文 |
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題名 |
Title |
Behaviour of Acidic Gas, Mercury and Fine Particles Emitted from a Crematorium-Part 2 |
著者 |
大下和徹1),高岡昌輝1),江口正司2),塩田憲司3) |
Authors |
Kazuyuki OSHITA 1), Masaki TAKAOKA 1), Shoji EGUCHI 2) and Kenji SHIOTA 3) |
著者表記 |
1)京都大学大学院地球環境学堂, 2)太陽築炉工業(株) , 3)京都大学大学院工学研究科 |
著者表記(英) |
1) Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, 2) Taiyo Chikuro Co. Ltd., 3) Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University |
著者勤務先名 |
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著者所属名 |
キーワード |
火葬炉,バグフィルター,塩化水素,PM2.5,二酸化硫黄,水銀 |
Key Words |
crematorium, bag filter, hydrogen chloride, PM2.5, sulfur dioxide, mercury |
概要 |
本研究は,バグフィルターを有する新型火葬炉の排ガス中の微小粒子,水銀,酸性ガスの調査を行い,各排出濃度,排出原単位を明らかにした。ばいじんの粒径頻度分布は,従来型火葬炉と共通して,PM2.5に相当する0.2〜0.3μm の微細粒子の割合が高かったが,PM2.5は,バグフィルターにより約99% 除去されており,その効果が確認できた。排ガス中HCl,SO2 濃度は,各算術平均(N=106)で33.2mg/m3N,11.5ppmvであり,従来型火葬炉より低減した。この理由としては,副葬品の制限あるいは,バグフィルターにて形成される集じん灰層での除去によるものと推測された。 |
Abstract |
This study determined the concentrations of fine particles, mercury and acidic gas in the flue gases from a new crematorium equipped with a bag filter and catalytic device, and examined the factors affecting emissions. The greatest proportion of dust consisted of 0.2-0.3μm particles corresponding to PM2.5. The flue gas treatment process removed over 99% of the PM2.5 from the flue gas, primarily with the bag filter. The arithmetic mean HCl and SO2 concentrations in flue gas were 33.2 mg/m3N and 11.5 ppmv, respectively (n=106); the levels were lower than those from a conventional crematorium. This reduction might have resulted from the restriction of burial accessories and the removal of these acidic gases from the layer of fly ash in the bag filter. To eliminate the remaining acidic compounds, the flue gases should be sprayed with lime prior to passage through the bag filter. |
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